Many of Cedar Hill’s trees have graced our memorial grounds for 150 years. The historic October 2011 snowstorm, subsequent inclement weather, and age have taken their toll.
With your support, the cemetery undertook extensive tree trimming, removal where needed, and planted over 100 trees in the past nine years. This critical work will continue thanks to your donations.
Your contributions will purchase trees to replace stumps and fill gaps in the landscape. Trees that contribute to the natural beauty of Cedar Hill. A beauty which brings peace and serenity to all who visit.
Jacob Weidenmann designed Cedar Hill in the modern style of landscape architecture. There are no copings, fences, or hedges. Instead, each lot is surrounded by open space reserved for planting or ornamentation. Sections have the appearance of extensive lawns with trees and shrubs interspersed among family monuments.
Weidenmann’s plan balanced the natural and man-made features of our landscape. Many trees were imported specifically to adorn the cemetery. European weeping beech, Chinese witch hazel, flowering dogwood, weeping cherry, tulip, magnolia, and ginkgo are just some of our wide variety of trees.
As sections were added, incorporating trees was an integral part of the planning process. New varieties of trees were planted such as weeping Alaska cypress, river birch, dawn redwood, and English oak.
Today our horticultural staff maintains an inventory of trees to serve as an educational resource and to enhance planning. Your generous support will add many new trees to the grounds. Trees that will bolster our rural character and enhance our recently-developed areas.
Thank you again for your support.