Cedar Hill Cemetery boasts over 2,000 trees representing more than 100 species and varieties creating an urban oasis for the city of Hartford. If you have visited the cemetery recently, you probably noticed extensive tree trimming activities throughout the grounds.
Staff horticulturist Arthur Hutchinson directed a comprehensive conservation plan designed to improve the health of the trees. Unfortunately, the cemetery had to remove two historic trees during the process, the Northern White Cedar on Section 1 and the Japanese Red Pine on Section 14.
Through your generous support of our Tree Fund, the Foundation is working with the Cemetery to preserve our rural character by replacing trees within the memorial sections as well as adding new planting areas. Plans include installing a border planting to soften the appearance of the south fence line as well as adding trees to Sections 38 and around the Hillside Mausoleum.
New trees will include flowering crabapple, blue spruce, flowering cherry, sugar maple and red oak. The fence line border will also include shrubs to create a natural boundary.