A Gift in Your Will

We are all inspired by the peace and serenity of Cedar Hill Cemetery’s landscaped
woodlands, graceful waterways, and sacred memorial grounds.

Committed to Preservation

At Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation, we are working to ensure this remarkable landscape endures for generations to come. We are committed to preserving the cemetery’s historic architecture and memorial artworks, to protecting the natural resources that play a vital role in our beauty and tranquility, and to offering educational opportunities to the community.

Choosing to remember Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation with a gift in your will is the perfect way to let your care and devotion for our extraordinary cemetery to continue in years to come.

How Your Bequest Will Help

A gift in your will supports Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation’s efforts to preserve, protect and promote the art, history and natural beauty of Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Your bequest will:


Facilitate the restoration of historic memorial artworks that no longer have family members to care for them.


Contribute to the planting of trees – to replace those lost due to damage or age and to enhance newly-developed areas of the cemetery.


Allow us to share Cedar Hill’s cultural and natural resources with visitors through printed guide materials and engaging public programs.

How It Works

There are many ways to remember Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation in your will.

Your bequest may be for a specific dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage or all of your remaining estate or trust after other commitments have been met. Gifts can be of cash, securities, real or personal property. Gifts can be unrestricted or restricted.

Sample Language can be delivered to your email addresss by filling out the form below.

Bequest Language Request

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Legacy Society

Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation recognizes supporters who make a bequest through our Legacy Society. If you have chosen to include Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation in your will, please let us know. We would love to thank you personally. You may also inform us of your bequest and remain anonymous.

Should you have questions, please contact your estate planning attorney, financial advisor or Beverly Lucas, Foundation Director, at
(860) 956-3311 or blucas@cedarhillcemetery.org.