The Foundation’s Connections newsletter includes upcoming program information and special interest articles. It is published in the Winter and Summer each year.
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Recent Articles
Virtual Lantern Tour Available
By Beverly-Lucas-CHC |
The Hallowed History Lantern Tour went virtual this past fall. Since we were unable to hold the event, Cedar Hill filmed some of your favorite stories from years past. One of our most popular programs, the Lantern Tour features character actors sharing tantalizing true stories of some of our notable and not-so-notable residents. The video…
Stories in Stone – The Obelisk
By Beverly-Lucas-CHC |
With its funerary symbolism, the Egyptian Revival style was often seen in cemeteries, most notably in the form of the obelisk which represented eternal life or a ray of sunlight.
Virtual Ways to Enjoy Cedar Hill Cemetery
By Beverly-Lucas-CHC |
Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation has developed online materials featuring highlights from popular programs. New webpages and videos provide a virtual way to enjoy the cemetery.
Self-Guided Opportunities at Cedar Hill
By Beverly-Lucas-CHC |
Self-guided tour brochures are available in the information box located on the entrance drive just inside the gates.
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